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Marengo: a battle at the sound of “sting”

There will not be a historical re-enactment of the battle of Marengo this year but another totally “green” one began yesterday 10 May.

With the collaboration of “il Ritiro” estate in Gavazzana, a town in our province of Alessandria, and the passion of its young owner, Giacomo Acerbi, 8 hives were installed inside the splendid centuries-old park of Marengo complex.

These bees, which the title of “ecological sentinels” was conferred on, will have a decidedly important role in the near future, as the councillor Maurizio Sciaudone also specified during today’s explanatory meeting on the initiative: “these sentinels of the environment will allow us to check the integrity and healthiness of the surrounding space. This is the reason of the strategic choice of Marengo site, in relation to the complaints expressed by the population about air quality and the environment of Spinetta Marengo and surrounding areas.

Bees have a strong link with the environment and are indicators of the state of health of the area in which they live and operate, so that they can give very reliable indications on the presence of certain substances in the environment based on the quality of their honey.

Eight hives, protected by splendid acacias, containing 60,000 bees each, will produce about 2 grams of honey each and the subsequent analysis will allow us to give accurate data on the degree of ambient pollution.

We shouldn’t even leave out the historical importance of Marengo’s choice; history is interwoven with sustainability and with culture we’re able to carry messages on a larger scale.

In fact, on 20 May, during the International Day of Bees, this headquarters will host 100 middle school students from Spinetta Marengo and 30 from Genoa who will be able to embrace and support this environmental project and will also have the opportunity to visit the museum of the Battle.

So, in the hope that soon we will be able to taste the “nectar of Marengo”, you can visit the museum and see our “sentinels” friends in the memory of history and in the positive perspective of this new “battle” without weapons but with “stings”.

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