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Gus journalists at Bosco Marengo. News or fake news?

Tuesday, July 30 at 17 at the Vasari museum in Bosco Marengo will begin the talk ‘News or fake news? Provided everything without journalists. Eliminate the profession to cheat quietly?” set up by the national group Journalists press offices (Gus). Today the communication filtered by the web takes away the look from reality and, so, the widespread news becomes true.
The list of speakers is remarkable: Assunta Currà (President Gus), Sergio Nuvoli (Vice President Gus), Vincenzo Cimino (President Odg Molise), Giuseppe Di Pietro (President Assostampa Molise), Maria Erminia Zotta (Mayor of Bosco Marengo), Stefano Pezzato (Curator Museo Vasariano)Daniele Chieffi (journalist, university professor), Silvio Garlasco (press office Accademia Agricoltura Torino), Fabio Chiavolini (spin doctor), Manuela Lessio (lawyer). The management was delegated to journalists Valentina Fauzia (president Gus Molise) and Efrem Bovo (national councillor Gus).
The misinformation (malicious) and the spread (culpable) of false news: here is the explosive mixture at the origin of fake news imbued with false voices devised and published to misinform, scandalize the myriad of users inclined to insert the ad hoc post on the social network to become, thus, news producers. The risk of delegitimizing information is enormous: the report Infosfera 2018 (Suor Orsola Benincasa University) defines the size (82%) of Italian readers unable to discover the hoax.
The fight against fake news is conducted by the Order of Journalists deployed on the front line to verify the sources and report the substantial truth.
The task force was opened by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers to analyse the production and dissemination of fake news and involve the population. The early warning system was set up (2019) by the EU institutions and member states to also fight together with the international partners G7 and NATO.