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The synergy to grow from Marengo to Europe

“The park of Villa Delavo will be renovated to increase the usability of the green area of 55 thousand square meters adorned with secular plane trees and horse chestnuts. The restyling is advantageous but the sensitivity expressed by the Piedmont Region is necessary to continue to develop the Marengo brand”. The councillor Maurizio Sciaudone (Marengo Centre – Province of Alessandria) was resolute at the talk ”Lands around Alessandria protagonists in Piedmont and attractions in Europe” set up at the auditorium Marengo to bring together elected Alexandrians to the assemblies (local and regional) to evaluate the territorial marketing combined with the vast area of Alessandria.
The availability of essential services is functional to attract tourism.
“My delegation to health – said Councillor Federico Riboldi (Piedmont Region) – is aimed at providing care to people”.
”The councillor – was the voice of Silvia Raiteri (Piedmont Region) – connects the territorial area of election to the Regional Council”.
”The diligent cooperation of two bodies (Province and Region) – was added by the councillor Davide Buzzi Langhi (Piedmont Region) – was profitable to enhance the Napoleonic site here in Marengo”.
”The Provincial Administration – was added by President Matteo Gualco (Province of Alexandria) can inform and bring together the tiny municipalities to hit the target”.
”The worn road – was asserted by the journalist Silvio Garlasco -dissuades the tourist”.
”The last level of Villa Delavo – was added by the moderator Efrem Bovo (Union Journalists and European communicators – Ujce) – is suitable to promote the preview of events set up to enhance the beauty spread on our province”.

The need to weave the network to export the excellence of Alexandria has been ratified by the audience packed with mayors (Federico Chiodi, Luigi Benzi, Antonella Cermelli, Maria Erminia Zotta, Giuseppe Antonio Canepa, Filippo Cordani, Mario Pesce, Silvia Barbara Celoria) together with councillors Luigi Sfienti and Vincenzo Demarte (Municipality of Alessandria) and administrators Gianfranco Lorenzo Baldi and Stefano Pezzato (curator at the Vasari Museum – Bosco Marengo).