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Art and Peace on the motorbike

Peace, culture, good food: yesterday the solid triad spread by the Marengo Cultural Center paraded on the streets of history. The tour run by Ujce guides (Union of European Journalists and Communicators) at the museum of Napoleonic relics was appreciated by 70 bikers gathered at the motoclub ”Polizia di Stato”. The group also flowed to the court of honor at the Villa Delavo to compose the usual photograph together with the councillor Maurizio Sciaudone (delegate to the Polo di Marengo – Provincia di Alessandria), to the curator Efrem Bovo (Complesso di Marengo) and to the Deputy Commissioner Claudio La Piana (International Police Organization).
The parade then left to promote peace on the ring of 40 km. The Scuderia Motorizzata di Marengo was welcomed at the medieval castle in Pozzolo by the Mayor Domenico Miloscio and fed to the local delights set up at the cellars.
The parade continued in Basaluzzo to stand in front of the stele erected to commemorate the French General Barthélemy Catherine Joubert who fell there at the Battle of Novi (15 August 1799). Here the biker brigade was revered by the local authorities and delighted by the portion of typical dessert and the toast made with Brachetto wine.
The stop at the monumental sixteenth-century church of Santa Croce a Bosco was enhanced by the hospitality that emerged from the words of Ugo Cavallera (Vice President emeritus – Piedmont Region) intervened together with his wife Maria Erminia Zotta. The visit to the casket of Renaissance sacred art and the former Dominican convent was guided by the Proloco and the cultural association ”Amici di Santa Croce”.
The farewell to Villa Delavo was delighted by the delicious ice cream offered by the farm “La Pederbona”.