”Marengo is the historic site elected to install the house for Napoleonic re-enactors: The voice of Roberto Colla alias the famous reenactor alter ego al condottiero còrso è stato limpido fronte alla statua di Napoleone Primo Cònsole posata sul cortile d’onore alla villa Delavo. Here is the The list of four winners of the ‘La penna di Napoleone’ award was published: The verdict was revealed by the authorities to the families and teachers cheered by the picket of honor prepared by the group of 30 historical re-enactors gathered in Marengo also from France and Belgium. The podium was won by the students Andrea Maria Cavazza (“The child in love”) and Noemi Sonia Destefanis (”Evangeline”) enrolled at the institute “Benvenuto Cellini” in Valenza, Giulia Angelica Malvicini (“Night before the Battle”) graduated from the classical high school ”Giovanni Plana” of Alexandria and today enrolled at the university “Amedeo Avogadro”, Anna Delfino Rossino (‘A new chapter”) enrolled in the linguistic high school ”Cesare Balbo” of Casale Monferrato.
”The participation in the literary competition – was told by the lawyer Massimo Taggiasco (Sisifo editions) – has been restricted to learners aged <14-20> enrolled in schools in Italy to connect youth to the writing and saga grown on our historic site of Marengo”.
”The Province of Alessandria – was added by President Enrico Bussalino – has always been sensitive to the international brand Marengo”.
“Here culture – was the voice of Maurizio Sciaudone (managing director at the Marengo pole – Province of Alexandria) is promoted by art, history, entertainment, eco-sustainability for all”.
”The global collaboration – it was the synthesis of Cherima Fteita Firial (Procureur at the European School for Napoleonic Re-enactors – Sern) – is essential to ensure the voice and light to the historic site of Marengo”.
”The synergy of associations and volunteers – was added by the curator Efrem Bovo (Marengo Complex) – It was decisive to set up the event that was pleasing to the public. Everyone can provide personal experience to promote the territorial culture of Marengo”.
The meeting was delighted by the succulent tail at the table: the Marengo chicken cooked by chef Claudio Barisone was served and enjoyed by diners. The story was reduced to the dish chosen by Emperor Napoleon I of France to celebrate victory on the battlefield: the culture transmitted on the palate is tasty.