”Victory!”: the Marengo auditorium soaked by the scream coming out of the voice of Mario Cavaradossi was the set to reconcile Napoleon Bonaparte and Baron Vitiello Scarpia. The only blunder was induced by Peace that is the pole star at the last weekend set up at the villa Delavo to commemorate the leader from Corsica: the choral acclaim arose from the packed audience and seduced by the arias of Tosca that is the opera masterpiece of Giacomo Puccini (Lucca, 22 December 1878 – Brussels, 29 November 1924).
The meeting was opened by the Convention of Alexandria (15 June 1800) moved from the farmhouse of Torre Garofoli (formerly French Headquarters at the Battle of Marengo, 14 June 1800) to the villa Delavo from the procession of eight riders trotting on the trail of country stretched on the countryside of Fraschéta yesterday explored by the skirmishes of soldiers and today furrowed by the fusion of rock sound of motorcycles and crackling of horse hoofs. The ride for Peace was escorted by the Scuderia motorized Marengo: the brigade of biker enrolled in the motoclub State Police (delegation of Alessandria and Asti) was awarded with gold button to sanction the friendship herald of partnerships already scheduled.
The bel canto was the prelude to the “Marengo and the bel canto in the world” award (first edition): the 100-seat audience sold out was kidnapped by the sublime melodies interpreted by the sound voice of Tomoko Okabe (soprano), Alberto Mastromarino (baritone), Piero Giuliacci and Valerio Perna (tenors) to enhance the liaison of Tosca and Marengo. The performance was accompanied by Master Umberto Battegazzore (Lyricum association) on the piano and the choir (opera company Tenuta Cravina) honored by the copy of the image d’épinal (ie the colorful print created by French folk art exploded from the sixteenth century to depict episodes of political, military, religious life) on the battle of Marengo. The award was given by the reenactor Roberto Colla alias Napoleon I of France to baritone Alberto Mastromarino alias Vitiello Scarpia: the reconciliation was successful at the Marengo center raised cradle for Peace.
The event promoted by the Union of European Journalists and Communicators (Ujce), by the bank foundation Cassa di risparmio di Alessandria, by the local tourist agency Alexala was also appreciated by the Countess Stortiglione that is the heir of the patrician family already owner of the tower of Theodolinda incorporated into the agricultural company curtis Marinco.