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The Légion Violette elects Marengo as a theatre of growth

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«Having in Marengo with us, often, almost always on occasions that count, the national vice president Amopa (Association des Membres de l’ordre des Palmes Académiques) is an honor and already a recognition of the work we are carrying out in dialogue with French cousins. Mayor Pietro Dallera, in his dual role as First Citizen of San Giorgio Monferrato and French professor, would like to officially emphasize our attention to academics who have the Légion Violette (the Academic Palms established by Napoleon). Dallera signed the certificate given to Marshal Maurizio Sciaudone for having strongly wanted the restoration of the Column with the Marengo Eagle. To me and then to us he gave a diploma of gratitude for the cultural promotion that we develop undaunted towards the goal» says Efrem Bovo, Temporary Manager at the Cultural Center of Marengo, on the occasion of the delivery of the restoration of L’Aquila di Marengo, took place in the morning of Sunday, December 10. After the ceremony in the field adjacent to the former Hotel Marengo, Vice President Dallera had the pleasure of delivering to Bovo the Certificate of Gratitude of the Italian section of Amopa. As witnesses of the act were present the Councillor Maurizio Sciaudone delegate from the Province of Alexandria and Mrs Cherima Fteita Firial, Procureur at the European School Napoleonic Re-enactors. This recognition, constituted in 1808 by the “Empereur” himself, conveys all those who actively strive for the spread of the French language and culture, and today Amopa is present in all continents and in 35 countries.

We speak about the «Légion Violette», a “military corps” where there are no soldiers, but a host of savants, teachers, teachers and scholars. Just like in the army, members are divided into ranks: Chevalier, Officier and Commandeur. The violet (purple) is par excellence the color associated with scholars, a symbol of wisdom and knowledge, as well as spirituality and balance: these are the purposes of each member, and at the Marengo Pole culture has priority. As a foyer of talent, connections, events and opportunities, the Polo has multiple goals to maintain the bridge with France.
Thus Bovo expresses himself in conclusion: «Our goal is 2025 to 220 years from 1805 when Napoleon at Marengo wanted to repeat the military maneuvers of victory, when in Milan he was crowned and when he went to visit the main cities of northern Italy: Parma, Modena, Bologna».
