Geography is essential to read history and can reveal the typical anecdotes blooming on the soil chosen by heroes separated from the lunar. John Fitzgerald Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963), the 35th President of the United States of America (USA), was killed shortly after landing in the Texas city.
It was the eighteenth century and Louisiana (that is the 530 million acres area united with New France alias the North American area entrusted to the French colonists) extended from the southern Canadian strip of the Rocky Mountains to the Gulf of Mexico absorbed western Texas as it is now defined. The bilateral treaty to transfer Louisiana from New France to the US at the appropriate figure in 2021 equal to 337 million US$ signed (30 April 1803) and then ratified (2 May 1803) Napoleon Bonaparte and the third US President Thomas Jefferson announced the stipulation (4 July 1803) and the famous aphorism of Robert Livingston (27 November 1746 – 26 February 1813). The American diplomat said: “We have lived a long time but this has been the noblest work of our entire lives. The United States today takes its place among the first powers in the world”.