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Marengo, from weapons to eco-sustainability

“The Republic promotes the development of culture and scientific and technical research. It protects the landscape and the historical and artistic heritage of the nation. It protects the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems, also in the interests of future generations. The law of the State governs the ways and forms of protection of animals” (Article 9 – Fundamental principles – Italian Constitution, 1948).

“The Marengo Cultural Center – as stated by the delegate Maurizio Sciaudone (Environment, European Design – Province of Alexandria) – expresses the entire article written in the first section on our Constitutional Charter: the heroic battle for Napoleon and today celebrated to promote culture continues without weapons to protect the environment”.

The report on the activity extended to the provincial territory of Alessandria and Asti was distributed by the general manager Secondo Barbero (regional agency for environmental protection – Arpa Piemonte) to the audience of authorities gathered at the Marengo auditorium: by the Prosecutor Enrico Cieri (Tribunal of Alexandria) to the Deputy Prefect Francesco Farina, by Councillor Domenico Miloscio (Province of Alexandria) to the Carabinieri forestali.

Monitoring has been extended from soil to electromagnetic fields, from wastewater to air quality and industrial sites (Solvay) or involved in the work to build the third pass. The synergy of different bodies was crucial to prevent the emergency for the aqueduct of Novi Ligure mined by acrylic resin (24 tons) fallen on the river Scrivia from the tanker overturned by the highway accident (30 October 2022).

“The instrumentation inaugurated at the Piemonte sud est specialist laboratory in Arpa (Alessandria) – was added by the director Marta Scrivanti – will allow the application of innovative methods of analysis to research Pfas and other persistent contaminants”.