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Barbara Ferrari leads Frida to Marengo

Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 21 the author Barbara Ferrari will be at the Marengo auditorium to narrate the novel “Frida” written by the Alexandrian teacher to unite the rare female figure, Shrewd and lively of Frida to the adventure unrolled on the Alexandrian countryside of Fraschéta in the eighth century. Frida is seduced by reading and writing, immune to the precepts dictated to the coeval and inclined to fight unreservedly to save the people of origin in the village of a few souls devoted to the cultivation of land and horses by the bishop of Derthona and the thirst for power flaunted by the Church. The desire for freedom and independence of fierce women to free Italy from the Lombard cruelty is hampered by the reluctance of men of operative power to provoke the debacle to rivals.

The novel about the Early Middle Ages combines Frida inclined to moral stature and equity and to study at Ermengarda that is, the bride rejected by Emperor Charlemagne as the daughter of Desiderio (the Lombard ruler of Italy from 757 to 774) then resurrected by Alessandro Manzoni’s Adelchi tragedy. The adventure of protagonists of memorable vicissitudes will seduce the audience: history also preserves the oldest etiology for the idiom “mandrogno” today famous from the vast area of Alessandria to Piedmont and driven to the world by legend. The meeting on the “Marengo di Giovedì” calendar is promoted by the Union of European Journalists and Communicators (Ujce) together with the associations “Lisondria ades” and “Tra cuore e mente”.