The rowdy parade of bikers enrolled in the motoclub “State Police-delegation of Asti” arrived yesterday May 27 on the ground of Acqui Terme already furrowed by the bustle of Napoleonic troops intervened to free Italy from the Habsburg yoke. The history expanded from the spa town is endless: the population of Caristo (the main ancient-Ligurian city settled on the area today about Acqui Terme and last nucleus surrendered to the Romans) flowed on the territory of Alessandria and the contiguous area.
The biker group is proactive in search of effective connections to collaborate and promote the epic about Bonaparte’s heroism narrated by Ujce (Union journalists and European communicators) to excite the population to propose virtuous social practices. The affinity of figures inscribed in different centuries is resounding. The anxiety of speed unites the rider to the biker: the steed is the old vehicle for faster mobility then replaced by the motorized car.
Saturday, June 10, the fusion of rock sound of motorcycles and the crackling of horse hooves will cross the countryside of Fraschéta already explored by skirmishes of soldiers. The biker club will escort six Napoleonic re-enactors trotting on the trail from the Delavo Villa in Marengo to the farmhouse of Torre Garofoli already Napoleon’s headquarters (Battle of Marengo, 14 June 1800).