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Bees, sentry for the ecosystem destroyed by man

The perpetual concert of virtuous practices to protect the environment and the ecosystem and, thus, improve the quality of life: the synthesis emerged from the meeting “The queens of Marengo in the world. Bees to cure the environment and man” suggests timely action to reduce the cataclysm of today nourished by anthropogenic and generalized voracity.

“The World Bee Day (20 May) – was Efrem Bovo’s overture (Marengo temporary manager) – is the scene of the unarmed battle undertaken at the international cultural hub of Marengo to promote the eco-friendly lifestyle. The social insect is also the heraldic allegory embroidered on Napoleon’s imperial mantle”.

“The added value attributed to honey – was asserted by professor Elia Ranzato (Amedeo Avogadro University – eastern Piedmont) – is huge. The liquid was used to embalm the bodies in Ancient Egypt and medicate bacterial infections then cured by penicillin, discovered in the last century: honey contains hydrogen peroxide that can reduce scars”.

“Pollination managed by bees – was added by biologist Giuseppe Vicari – is indispensable for 250 thousand varieties of plants and accessories to the ecosystem destroyed by monoculture also exhibited by the unequal distribution of wild birds (70%) and poultry (30%). The Holocaust for insects (the last decade defined by the annual decline of 3%) was caused by the abuse of pesticides. The trend is detrimental to humans: Parkinson’s disease is the occupational disease now recognised by winegrowers in France and Germany. Bio-agriculture is only ancillary to soothe the slaughter: it is mandatory to eliminate building speculation near rivers and cultivate several billion trees to return 50% of land area to nature. It is also essential to reduce global warming and carbon dioxide emissions: the percentage referred to the last decades is higher than the production of 800 thousand years”.

“The institutional administration – was the Maurizio Sciaudone’s contribution (delegate to the Hub of Marengo and the environment – Province of Alessandria) – can establish the value and provide the advantage that is, for example, reduce the rates to companies voted to green values”.

“The biomonitoring carried out by bees – exposed the beekeeper Giacomo Acerbi (estate Ritiro in Gavazzana) curator of eight hives located at Desaix Park in Villa Delavo – is timely. The pollination managed by the bees of each hive to produce five hundred grams of honey covers five million flowers distributed over an area of four square kilometers and, thus, it is possible to study human practices. The extinction of wild bees descended from the abuse of arsenic and copper insecticide affected the United States of America from 1881 to 1930. Every gram of pesticide kills 25 million bees and the intoxicated social insect loses its orientation to return to the hive. The production reduction (-40%) of Italian honey recorded from 2010 to 2017 persuades the errors to blame farmers and ignore the habit of every final consumer to prefer the large distribution channel organized to supply the pantry”.