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United to build the renewable energy community

The listening table prepared by the Provincial Administration of Alessandria to propose the renewable energy community (CER): the idea introduced by President Enrico Bussalino and Director Maurizio Sciaudone (Delegate for the Environment) was illustrated to the fifty mayors of Alexandria municipalities gathered at the Marengo auditorium to hear the vice president Matteo Gualco, the president Stefano Bonino (Green Wolf), Cristina Calvi (head of PNRR).

The ERC is the socio-economic union aimed at energy autonomy and defined by the open and voluntary participation of public and private entities (individuals, small and medium enterprises, local authorities) to reach the target aimed at eliminating the dispersion of energy produced and expenditure: the sports field can erode the energy surplus built by the company, closed for the weekend. Each user is managed by the single ecosystem and produces environmental benefits (CO2 emissions reduced by the production of energy from renewable sources), economic and social (supply of energy produced by members of the CER and reduced expenditure).

“The public-private partnership – was Bussalino’s statement – is essential to create the largest ERC and the Province is the best helmsman to promote innovation”.

“The ad hoc regulation – it was Sciaudone’s message – is convoluted and can curb enthusiasm: the Province offers assistance to mayors inclined to produce utility for the administered community. The fund of 2.2 billion euros was granted by the PNRR to the revolutionary route aimed at the column to supply the engine powered by electricity”.

“Thinking ”green”  – was Efrem Bovo’s comment (Marengo temporary manager) – is usual at the international cultural hub of Marengo, equipped with electric traction cars branded Y3K, the leading company for eco-mobility and energy transition”.