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Paolo Maggi, the migrant artist at villa Delavo

“Nullus locus sine genio (there is no place without genius)”: the Latin aphorism exalts the authentic essence of “Genius loci – Pomeriggi in the Monferrato villages”, the agenda of visits to the villages of Monferrato Casalese to offer the peculiarity of food and wine itineraries and art to tourists and natives. The format, restricted to the winter period defined by the limited cultural offer, was exposed by the tourist guide Anna Maria Bruno.

“The third art – was the statement of Anna Maria Bruno at the talk moderated by the director Massimo Taggiasco (Alessandria24) – illuminated by the nineteenth-century painter Paolo Maggi (25 November 1810 – September 1890) on the walls of sanctuaries and noble residences connects the Monferrato to Marengo. The artist’s appeal is shown by the works created for the clergy (from the cathedral of Tortona to the chapels at the sacred mountain of Crea and the parish of Giarole) and for the bourgeoisie.”

Maggi’s talent is demonstrated on the ceiling and walls of seven rooms of Villa Delavo dedicated to the most heterogeneous themes: the pure decorative trace destined for the service areas, theories of winged putti, the praise of bourgeois prerogatives (frivolity, elegance, seduction), praise to the Napoleonic grandeur (the allegory of four famous battles: Austerlitz, Iena, Arcole, Marengo) and the prestige assigned to the site of Marengo (architectural perspectives to enhance the project “Ville des Victoires”).

“Genius loci – is the synthesis of Maurizio Sciaudone, delegate to the Hub of Marengo from the Province of Alexandria – is suitable to launch the Alexandrian territory on the Italian tourist circuit: it also targets the activity undertaken at the cultural Hub of Marengo”.

“Maggi – is the conclusion of Efrem Bovo, Marengo temporary manager – was the artist migrated everywhere to free his inspiration”.