Music to relaunch the cultural primacy of Alexandria on the Western Mediterranean macro-zone extended from Pisa to Seville: Alexandria as the beating heart of Piedmont in the center of the ancient pre-European area (more precisely the ancient Ligurian) dominant in mainstream pop culture.
The analysis, exposed at the Marengo Auditorium by the managers of PARETANĀU (third sector institution that uses cultural and research tools to build the deep identity of the province of Alexandria and promote its economic development), outlines concrete development scenarios for our territory.
“The Gallo-Romance idiom is the common denominator for the people who have always settled in the western Mediterranean area: here the pre-European identity is dominant, in this cultural field the Alexandrian territory can think of being able to rebuild an identity and claim a historical primacy”.
The population of Caristo (the main ancient-Ligurian settlement) was originally settled in the area of today’s Acqui Terme and then spread for historical reasons throughout the Alexandrian territory.
The meeting and the partnership with the Hub of Marengo are automatic: the imperial parable of Napoleon began between Cherasco and Marengo, between 1796 and 1800, in the most ancestral ancient Ligurian territory: the consensus collected by the Corsican General (Corsica is historically an island of the same culture) was also favored by common cultural roots.
“Alexandria can provide the ultimate ancestral identity to the European macro-region of the western Mediterranean: and we could say that Marengo in particular is a territory that crosses time and not on which it flows.
After all, Bonaparte was the first statesman to attempt to reunite Europe into a welcoming, free, egalitarian and fraternal unity – imbued with a proud ancestral identity.
In this concrete partnership between contemporary ancestry and modern history, to build the future, we can say that Marengo is the hardware and PARETANĀU the software – both necessary to achieve the goal: unite every energy of the province and move from culture to build an economic value shared and distributed over the entire territory.
This culture – so ancient as to count more than eight thousand years and so contemporary as to be in exponential rebirth by only ten years – continues to exist in the harmony of the Southern Gallo-Romance languages and, today, finds its bard in a new folk-rock.
The ‘remontada’ of so ancient but so contemporary traditions favors the transition of the cultural industry from the dimension of experiential tourism to that of emotional tourism: the tourist, living the local reality, leaves the Territory carrying with himself the identity absorbed in the lived parenthesis”.
PARETANĀU acts on three axes to create economic development with culture: the attraction on the Territory through events and relational networks to promote tourism, then managed by the appropriate structures; the generation of added value (generating permanent clusters of development on the Territory and opportunities for generating value even outside it); the use of European funds – especially direct management – to finance projects related to the mainstream.
“No partnership is excluded, because the need to build cultural identity does not allow divisions and personalisms.
The strategy of PARETANĀU is simple: promoting collaboration between local authorities and strengthening cohesion in general, to build the Alexandrian identity and promote the myriad of resources typical of our territory.
The union of economic and cultural forces is ideal to propose our territory at European level.
Cohesion among all actors is essential to build effective projects for territorial administrative institutions”.
“This far-sighted proposal – is the opinion of Efrem Bovo (Marengo Temporary Manager) – is suitable to move the collective and congenial intelligence to the method of collective work undertaken by the International Cultural Hub of Marengo: the unilateral management applied to the Marengo museum ended in asphyxiation”.“Culture – it was Alessandro Calvi’s conclusion – is the lever for the tourist marketing useful for the managers of noble historic homes: Piedmont combines food and wine traditions, pairing neglected elsewhere”.