“The role played by bees through pollination – said beekeeper Giacomo Acerbi – is strategic to protect biodiversity: honey provides accurate data on the alteration induced by agropharmaceuticals. The beekeeper thus adheres to the battle to protect any form of life”.
The audience of twenty French breeders gathered at the Marengo auditorium was seduced by the dissertation of the entrepreneur Acerbi.
“The meeting – said Maurizio Sciaudone (managing director for the environment from the Province of Alessandria) – strengthens the liaison launched last year at the Marengo International Cultural Hub”.
The park Desaix annexed to the villa Delavo holds eight (the number is cyclical for the Napoleonic epos) hives already visited by schoolchildren. Each beehive is registered “Bees Republic”: the idea of Acerbi (the European leader for the choice of bees queens Buckfast dedicated to developing the production and quality of honey) took off from the estate “Retreat” in Cassano Spinola. The bees, grown in the shelter of 3500 hives spread on Italian soil, are appreciated by professional European, Asian and North American breeders promoting organic nomadic beekeeping.
“The golden bee – said Efrem Bovo (Marengo temporary manager) is also the Napoleonic icon chosen to enhance the profitable activity of the heroic social insect”.