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Marengo will be Italy with France

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The long-standing history of Villa Delavo marked by the 175th anniversary will be celebrated by the official visit of François Revardeaux: the Consul General of France in Milan is expected on Sunday, November 27, at 10:30 at the Marengo Museum together with Prince Pierre Murat (ninth successor of Joachim, Marshal of the Empire and King of Naples from 1 August 1808 to 22 May 1815). The historical group “59éme demi-brigade de ligne” will pay tribute to the Consul and the Prince.

The event will precede the meeting at the auditorium open to the institutional authorities and entrepreneurship of Alessandria: Maurizio Sciaudone (provincial delegate at the Hub of Marengo) will gather the moderator Efrem Bovo (temporary manager at the International Culural Hub of Marengo), the president Enrico Bussalino (Province of Alessandria), Giorgio Angelo Abonante (Mayor of Alessandria), in addition to the many mayors of the Alexandrian territory.

“The relaunch of Marengo – says Maurizio Sciaudone- will offer the boost to the local economy based on the connection of culture, tourism, work. The Provincial Administration adheres to the project to promote the site crossed by European history beyond the area of Alessandria”. 

“This sensitivity – adds President Enrico Bussalino (Province of Alessandria) – is consistent with the Constitutional Charter of the Italian Republic (1948): Article 9 promotes the development of culture and scientific and technical research”.

Villa Delavo will be embellished by the preview exhibited by the “Amici del Museo dell’Arte Orafa Valencia”.          The association, active since 1988 to transmit the goldsmith culture descended from the experience of artisans and companies, prestigious promoters for the goldsmith of Valencia, will exhibit the tools crucial to the production of jewelry. The period from 1850 to 1950 will cover the stages from casting to rolling, from drawing to engraving, from embedding to polishing and cleaning.

A selection of swords will be set up by the historical team of re-enactors “27th Military Division” at the museum opened from 14 June 1968 to the house commissioned by the patron of Alexandria Antonio Delavo to celebrate the French triumph in Marengo. The ouverture (14 June 1847) showed to ten thousand guests’ eyes the courtyard adorned with the marble statue of Napoleon Bonaparte First Consul sculpted by the artist Benedetto Cacciatori from Carrara, the perspective decorations traced on the outside by the Lombard master Francesco Gabetta and the interiors curated by the painter Paolo Maggi. The park next to Villa Delavo houses the ossuary dedicated to the brave fallen in Marengo and the valuable bust consecrated to the French General Louis Desaix.

“The collegial vision – asserts Marica Barrera (Deputy Mayor of Alessandria) – opens to the Municipality and the Provincial Administration the collaboration to direct Marengo on the European scene”.

“The profusion of resources – adds Franco Ferrari, president of Costruire Insieme – is needful for the museum: this institutional synergy brings a concrete future for the Marengo brand”.

The event will extend the flow of Italian-French diplomatic relations promoted by the bilateral treaty, to enhance cooperation between Italy and France, concluded by President Emmanuel Macron and former Prime Minister Mario Draghi: Article 9 in paragraph 4 suggests co-production of cultural works.

“The appeal gained by the idea spread by the Hub of Marengo – concludes the temporary manager Efrem Bovo – grows today together with the network of stakeholders: the trend toned down by Victor-André Massena’s feedback (president of the Napoléon foundation) and Charles Bonaparte (President of the European Federation of Cities of Napoleonic History) suggests the re-edition of the first modern historical re-enactment: the gathering set up on the plateau of Frascheta by General Jean Lannes together with 25 thousand soldiers dates back to Sunday, May 5, 1805”.