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Surveyors in the shadow of the pyramid in Marengo

Sunday, 5 May 1805 on the plateau crossed by the French triumph in Marengo (June 14, 1800) the emperor – amazed by the colossal structure built to bury the pharaoh- placed in the ditch the stone with engraved on “Napoleon Emperor of the French and King of Italy to the defenders of the homeland who died on the day of Marengo”. It was the first stone of the pyramid to guard the eternal memory of the fallen souls. According to the imperial decree, the military genius had to build the mausoleum equipped with a room with marble tables carved by the name of every man who died that glorious day. The imperial edict, disregarded by the unfinished work, was then revered by the more modest pyramidal structure opened since 2009.

The solid conical polyhedron connects Napoleon to the surveyors at the international cultural hub of Marengo. The convention “Professional arrangement and technical-administrative fulfillments in the offices” will begin next Friday at 9 a.m. in the auditorium. The president Antonio Francesco Penna (CG Alessandria) will introduce officials (Antonella Abagnato and lawyer Francesco Scorza) and advisers’ (the surveyor Luca Bini) dissertation to the National Council at the meeting open to the colleges of Valle Aosta, Piedmont, Lombardy, Liguria to instruct office workers to prescribe public authority’s expertise on the management of administrative obligations.