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The multifaceted peace in Marengo

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The Marengo pole is the vehicle of peace suitable to surpass history and promote intergenerational dialogue: this emerged from the talk “Local journalism and social hospitality” open to the international cultural hub of Marengo to celebrate the Day of Peace (UN Resolution 36/67).

The analysis spread by the speakers’ voice on the social, relational, political, inter-divisional defined by the harmony shared and detached from the armed battle revolved on the dialogue useful to peace and already connected to the bustle on the streets Marenche built to connect Liguria to Piedmont and Europe.

The dialogue – says Ezio Ercole, Vice President of the Piedmont Journalists Order – is essential to strengthen the community and persuade every man to build peace. Local journalism is necessary to try or disprove the flow of information spread on the social web”.

The site linked to the Battle of Marengo (14 June 1800) is, today, the forum where the ideas of peace are promoted.

“Marengo’s appeal – said President Enrico Bussalino (Province of Alessandria) – is extended to the entire province of Alessandria. The Napoleonic saga is antithetical to parochialism: this was the impulse to establish the first Provincial Council delegated to the Marengo Pole. Politics is necessary to prevent war (the worst debacle) and environmental protection is crucial to avert the rebel nature”.

“This work – says Maurizio Sciaudone, Managing Director of Environment and Polo di Marengo (Province of Alessandria) – has started to unite the Marengo brand to the European circuit of interest and to perceive the positive feedback on the vast area crossed by the province of Alessandria”.

Today at the cultural hub of Marengo the battle flows from the war scene to initiatives to protect the environment, biodiversity, the ecosystem, and animals. The Desaix park at Villa Delavo hosts eight (cyclic number in the Napoleonic epos) hives. Bee pollination is strategic to protect biodiversity: honey provides data on contamination. The technology is congenial to reduce pollution and protect the ecosystem.  

“The activation of 128 columns to recharge our fleet of 528 electric cars on the territory of Liguria and Piedmont – adds Andrea Brunetti, head of the project Green Development for the company Y3K – enhances our vision of smart and green electromobility. The target today is the electric vehicle fleet”.

The prize “Steli di pace” suggested by Ujce (Union of European Journalists and Communicators) went to President Valter Scarfia(Italian Union of blind and visually impaired – Province of Alexandria), the poet Aldino Leoni, the journalist Marco Bonetti, three builders of peace messages spread by different forms of communication.

“My production of politematic tutorials and video clips – says Scarfia – is detached from the unilateral message spread by the influencer and placed on the web to tell my path and promote peace through the culture spread by technology to 12.600 subscribers and users visually impaired”.

Leoni, the poet of peace, is the author of the poem “Per gli alberial parco di Marengo” and scientific coordinator of Marengo Poetree, the initiative signed by Ujce to promote ‘green’ sensitivity and the International Day of Trees (21 November).

Bonetti writes cultural, historical, and linguistic articles on the monthly sheet of local information from Liguria “GazzettinoSampierdarenese”, written since 1972.

“Marengo – concludes temporary manager Efrem Bovo – unites the tiny community and vast area, the locus suitable to build dialogue and lead reflection from the armed battle to the fight to protect the environment. The most human ecology is crucial to save the climate and the spirit of man in today’s social enclosure decided by the health authorities: the dialogue spread to the audience is a harbinger of esteem on the international scene”.