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Giani from San Sebastiano

In Val Curone we talk about Napoleon thanks to Felice Giani, born in San Sebastiano in 1758. His notebook, his diploma signed by Canova and many drawings can be seen, thanks to the tenacity and passion of the Archivio Pittor Giani, led by secretary Vincenzo Basiglio who saw the possible correlations with Marengo: Giani also prepared the rooms of the Quirinale for the French and Italian Emperor, whom he never actually frequented. The Introduction of President Galdi and Mayor Caprile opened the two-hour lecture on the history of art conducted by the historian Aurora Scotti and Marcella Vitali in the lovely headquarters of Soms Stella d’Italia. “A fine artist finally surrounded by honor and esteem that deserves” for the Mayor; “a launching point for the bicentenary of 2023 ” for Mariastella Daffunchio; “a new face for Milan with the Foro Bonaparte ” for Scotti. Many images to summarize his deep expressiveness in Faenza and Italy and many works in the context of society in the Napoleonic era, according to Vitali. A man beyond the norm, beyond the rule, in search of the “out of scale” to amaze and have a scenic effect that can provoke in order to defeat the architectural certainties of impact, even in the case of San Pietro in Roma. Revolutionary, but for the Academies of Peace and Thought intended to redeem the people and the city subjected to the mechanisms of the Austrian government. Felice Giani, neoclassical painter at the center of the artistic scene of the late 1700s and early 1800s, casually found by the doctor and photographer Riccardo Giani.