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Today the French flag is floating…in fact from Naples

Although the French memory is always vivid within the walls of the Marengo pole, Saturday, May 21 the atmosphere is filled with “pathos”.

At 3 pm Prince Pierre Murat, descendant from the noble family, and all the participants of “Murat: peace and market” were brought back to the past.

Marengo re-enactors of the 27th Military Division and 59th DB accompanied visitors throughout the structure to the sound of flutes and drums; I like to think that also “Joachim Napoleon” had been accompanied by a similar march during his victorious return to Marengo after the battle.

Re-enactors, armed in Napoleonic uniform, and civilians in costume of the Empire style gave the context a neoclassical touch, typical of the XIX Century.

At 3.30pm visit to the Museum. Murat -careful and admired- arrives accompanied by the authorities and begins his visit retracing the battle in all its phases; behind him a procession of people, many from outside the city, who wander around the halls interested and curious about what they were seeing. Some of them in the grip of doubts and questions, others reading the signs and becoming aware of how little they really knew about this battle.

“Maybe I should read some schoolbooks again,” a visitor exclaimed. Others smiled knowing some small curiosities and legends.

At 5pm all towards the auditorium where Murat spoke at the talk “Murat, peace and market” conceived by the Union of European Journalists and Communicators. The talk was attended by the Councillor for Events Cherima Fteita and the Provincial Councillor Delegate of the ‘’Polo di Marengo’’ Maurizio Sciaudone; they expanded the key themes of the conference and the candidates Mayor Constantino and Abonante in par condicio ensured by the Timekeepers Association of Alexandria.

“A peaceful coexistence between countries descended from the liberalization of ports wanted by the King of Naples that allowed to continue trading beyond the war” so Sciaudone had anticipated during the press conference.

The same peaceful atmosphere that has been breathed in this day of common future intentions in the cultural and economic growth of this Province.

At 6.15pm the event ends with a visit to the re-enactment camp in Desaix Park.

The prince’s stay, however, lasted until Sunday May 22, allowing him to visit several points of Napoleonic interest in the province such as the Castle of Pozzolo Formigaro, the Castle of Piovera, the Citadel and Palazzo Ghilini, headquarters of the Province and the Prefecture in Alexandria, experiencing some of the beauties of our territory. On this last occasion he received a present from the President of the Province Enrico Bussalino: a collection of volumes on the churches of the dioceses of our Province.

“The strong passion for cultural and historical heritage is a trait that historically unites France and Italy”, said Cherima Fteita.

Marengo and its cultural hub act as a “diplomatic” link between France and Italy.
Today in Marengo also flies the French flag and Murat can bring with him a bit of this city and its province.