The driving force for the local economy based on the connection between culture, tourism, work: this synthesis is inserted in the setting of 21 May 2022 and emerges from the talk “Murat, peace and market” set up by the Ujce (Union of European Journalists and Communicators) at the cultural international “Polo di Marengo”. The event, moderated by the director Efrem Bovo, was appreciated by the audience seduced by the precious concourse of influential voices.
“The story of Joachim Murat, a man of humble origins who ascended the throne of Naples, is extraordinary: the social elevator, – Prince Pierre Murat said – built by the French Revolution, opened the following era to monarchical absolutism”.
The vigorous assertion was reinforced by the detailed analysis of the ninth descendant of Joachim Napoleon (brother-in-law of Napoleon I and Marshal of the Empire) concerning the special connection between peace and trade and the harmony between political, economic and ideal purposes. The unitary interpretation expressed by the illustrious ancestor was useful to enhance the whole discourse.
The noble exponent added then that “the political-economic idea of Murat, King of Naples from 1 August 1808 to 22 May 1815, exempted the population from the discomfort caused by the war between sovereigns. The opening of Parthenopean ports to British ships favoured trade, that was prevented by the continental blockade (1806 -1813), decided by the Emperor Napoleon I. This commercial liberalism was propelling for the peace and herald of international unions “.
The port, an allegory of extended dynamism, was then brought back to the local background to facilitate a most opportune analysis for our territory.
Maurizio Sciaudone, Provincial Councillor Delegate of the “Polo di Marengo” (Province of Alessandria) asserted: “It is necessary to spread the history of this Napoleonic site to our fellow citizens and then on the international scene: this can favour the growth of the “dry port” of Genoa over the vast Alexandrian area and generate employment due to logistics “.
Cherima Fteita, Councillor for events and demonstrations (Municipality of Alessandria) stated that “Marengo is also a primary cultural port: Alexandrian and Italian history passed through here. The project promoted to transfer knowledge beyond the borders of any state is driven by the volunteer work of eight young people who joined the Universal Civil Service today to start a new path “.
The event is connected to the treaty for a reinforced bilateral cooperation between Italy and France concluded by the President Emmanuel Macron and the Minister Mario Draghi: the Article 9 in paragraph 4 promotes the co-production of cultural works. The “Polo di Marengo” thus contributes to enhance the flow of Italian-French diplomatic relations.