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A little step towards a better society

There is an atmosphere of something new for the Blind and Visually Impaired Union of Alessandria. Enrica Bosio, provincial delegated councilor of this Union, introduced the projects that were already put into action in April: activities dedicated to sport, to the training of support teachers and to gender equality.

Also, a class of the “Norberto Bobbio” Comprehensive Institute of Rivalta Bormida, ambassador of the “Show-down” in Italian schools, took part in the event.

It consists in a Canadian-born sport, tailor-made for blind people. The guys in the classroom were blindfolded, and then they experienced the thrill of this discipline, for a full sensory journey but, more than anything, they put themselves in the shoes of their mate Marta.

“My teammates have never made me feel different, quite the opposite. I thank the initiative of the Blind and Visually Impaired Union for giving me the opportunity to try this sport in first person”, Marta says. 

She was sitting at the table of the “grown-ups”, and has clear ideas about what she really wants, as she also dreams of a more inclusive world.

“Inclusive” is, in fact, the slogan of the 13th of April event held at the Auditorium, where Valter Scarfia, president of the Union introduced the 2022 call: “For an inclusive life”.

“To take part in the society, we need to give something to people, not just services. Solidarity will fight individualism”, Valter’s words kicked off the meeting, which was attended by some well-known faces of Alexandrian politics: Davide Buzzi Langhi, Giovanni Barosini, Giorgio Abonante, three of the candidates as first citizens in the next elections, the president of the municipal council of Casale Monferrato Fiorenzo Pivetta and the provincial councilor Gianpaolo Lumi.