In the auditorium of via Delavo in Marengo on the evening of Wednesday, April 6, the executives of the AMAG GROUP: Paolo Arrobbio, Alfonso Volpe and Paolo Bobbio, with moderator Marcello Feola, decided to present their new project: “SMART CITY” which guarantees to transform Alexandria into an ecological, innovative and safer city.
That’s right, you got it, “safer”! Previously in comics and TV shows talked about superheroes who safeguarded the lives of citizens and protected against crimes. In the towns now there will be ”smart poles”, equipped with LED lights, cameras and Wi-Fi, which will maintain order in the streets, but not only!
The plan is expected to take place in 2023; Paolo Arrobbio, president of AMAG, assures that the change will happen in 15 months.
But will it really be so? Let’s see in more detail what the improvements will be.
In addition to the ”smart poles”, according to Paolo Bobbio, director of AMAG, the way of collecting waste will be revolutionized. ”Smart bins” will be integrated and arranged in islands in over 850 points distributed throughout the Alexandrian territory and in the suburbs, all powered by solar panels. Turrets will be built for recharging electric machines and for defibrillators.
“The project is ambitious, but in Alexandria the savings of the municipality will be 63% on energy, also many young people from large metropolises such as Turin and Genoa, will be tempted to move to Alexandria, thanks to the improvement of the standard of living obtained with SMART CITY”.
Arrobbio is enthusiastic, even the people in the room are satisfied.