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Sciaudone: “A quality re-enactment for tourism”

A short Egyptian sword to Andrea Puleo, General of the Stato Maggiore della 27^ Divisione Militare, donated by the Provincial Councillor of Alessandria, Maurizio Sciaudone, in front of the Marengo Museum pyramid.

The symbolic gesture, inspired by the Eridan Prince of the ancient Egypt, in front of a 59^ Demi Brigade  representative, marked the end of the first working session of the European School of Napoleonic Reenactors (SERN), held on 26 and 27 june in Marengo.

Eridania is the name engraved on one side of the gold Marengo, the coin that Napoleone Bonaparte wanted and that connoted the Pedemontano territory freed from the Austrians.

“To start a reenacting school is to honor the emperor’s bicentenary. According to Napoleon, education was the most important of all institutions, because everything depends on that, present and future” declares Sciaudone. Ujce’s knowledge about Marengo and the history phenomenon interpreted and revived by the reenactors, have fueled an increasingly closer working relationship, from 2019 to present day, despite the pandemic. We are therefore continuing on the course we have set.”