“The myth of Napoleon was born in Marengo”: the vigorous assertion of Gianfranco Cuttica of Revigliasco (Mayor of Alessandria) exalts the burden of the french victory on the plain of Alessandria in the napoleonic epic and the opportunity to take this event to promote the alexandrine territory in the footsteps of the international fame of the french emperor Bonaparte.
The agenda of upcoming events dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Napoleon’s death was exhibited by the organizers and the local authorities in the atrium of Palazzo Ghilini (a baroque residence in piedmontese style built in the 18th century visited three times by famous corsican general). The highlight will be inaugurated Wednesday may 5 at 15.30 in Marengo (theatre of the napoleonic triumph against the austrian army) to the arrival in Torregarofoli (home of Napoleon’s headquarter). On the top floor of the Marengo Museum in Villa Delavo will host the Longwood rooms (town of the exile of Napoleon on Saint Helen’s Island) set up by the 59th Demi-Brigade headed by Bernini along with the reenactors of the 27th Military Division and the General Berthier, Chief of Staff of the Armée.
“The choice of the place – declares Efrem Bovo (Ujce – Union of European Journalists and Communicators) – for the celebratory events has emerged from the understanding between napoleonic associations on the difficulty of seeing the measures anti-covid 19 in the chosen structure, the Hotel national des Invalides in Paris, and so the choice has fallen on another important location in the french emperor’s epic.
The Ujce, organizer of the reenactment strongly desired by the Province of Alessandria with the effective support of the municipality of Alessandria and the participation of the municipality of Tortona, applies the method of the storytelling to excite about the battle of developing and put the brand Marengo on the cultural agenda and raises “Alessandria to the level of napoleonic capital in Italy” as stated by the Councilor Fteita.
The presentation of the event was followed by an audience full of authorities: from the Councilor Cherima Fteita (events and demonstrations – municipality of Alessandria) to the mayors Federico Chiodi (municipality of Tortona) and Domenico Miloscio (municipality of Pozzolo Formigaro), from the Councilman Maurizio Sciaudone (delegate to the Province of Alessandria Heritage) to the Vice-president Ezio Ercole (Piedmont Journalists order).
The energy spread by the institutions – concludes Gianfranco Baldi (President of the Province of Alessandria) by thanking the Councilman Sciaudone – was key to advance the national interest of the site of Marengo, nowadays hostile to media great events”.
On Monday 3 May from 18.00 in the ethnographic museum “C’era una volta” (piazza Gambarina – Alessandria) the prologue of the event that will open the way recounting the napoleonic days by the time of Majno de la Frascheta with poems in local dialect and the reading of the Manzoni’s ode.