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Napoleon and Rome to traian markets

With the return of many regions to the yellow zone exhibitions and museums re-open and, in occasion of the bicentenary of Napoleon’s death (5 May 1821), many cities are organizing to celebrate the anniversary by revising and reprogramming plans and organization to ensure the rules anti-covid in place.
In Rome, until May 30, 2021 you can visit the exhibition to traian Markets dedicated to the relationship of Napoleon with Rome and the ancient world.

“Napoleone e il mito di Roma”, that’s the title of the exhibition that highlights how the French intended to apply those criteria of urban order which, in their aims, would have transformed her in a second Paris.
Rome, and more precisely the archaeological area of the Roman Forum, were the subject of excavations promoted by the Napoleonic Government of Rome between 1811 and 1814 to clear the area south of the Trajan’s Column, that Napoleon considered as a guiding principle for the realization of the column Vendôme à Paris between 1806 and 1810.

The exhibition, very rich and interesting, follows three macro sections: the first one concerns the relationship between Napoleon and the classical world, the second one is dedicated to Napoleon’s relationship with Rome and Italy, the third deals with aspects related to the recovery of ancient models in art and in the Napoleonic era.
Many classical themes are present in the Napoleon iconography starting with the Roman Eagle (Napoleon’s son was called “l’Aquilotto” King of Rome).

The exhibition concludes with the famous painting depicting Napoleon with the clothes of the coronation, painted by François Gérard in 1805 and kept in Ajaccio, in the Palais Fesch-Musée des Beaux-Arts.
The exhibition is promoted by Roma Culture, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali and is curated by Claudio Parisi Presicce, Massimiliano Munzi, Simone Pastor, Nicoletta Bernacchio. Organizzazione Zètema Progetto Cultura. Graphic concept by Iowa State University. Exhibition project by Stefano Balzanetti, Alessandro Di Mario, Eleonora Giuliani along with Simone Bove for Wise Design.

For more information please visit the site: