Many, many news at Mercatorum University! In the training offer 2020/2021 have been activated, in fact, 5 new Online Degree Courses without entry tests. The degree programs granted by Unimercatorum thus become 17.
“The Degree Courses of the Mercatorum University (the telematic University of the Italian Chambres of Commerce) allow to obtain a degree recognized by the Ministry of Education and highly expendable in the world of work, with all the typical advantages of Online Degree Courses”, explains Simona Papé of the general secretariat, which from Marengo coordinates the alexandrine initiatives.
“But the advantages do not end here: Mercatorum University, in fact, guarantees its members an Intership within prestigious companies in the area that we are involving in a real meeting with ideal students for their activities”.
The secretariat in Alessandria can be reached by booking (for health security measures) at no. 0131 1720155.
These are the new courses:
Bachelor Degree in Communication and Multimedia (L-20)
The three-year degree course in Communication and Multimedia aims to provide the fundamental theoretical and practical elements for the development of a communication attentive to new media, effective and targeted.
Bachelor Degree in Political Science and International Relations (L-36)
The three-year degree course in Political Science and International Relations aims to integrate the basic knowledge typical of an interdisciplinary training in the economic, legal, political, sociological and historical with a preparation oriented on the international dimension of the same fields, in order to develop a specific competence in the transnational and international aspects of today’s economic-social reality.
Bachelor Degree in Sociology and Innovation (L-40)
The three-year degree course in Sociology and Innovation provides a wide range of knowledge related to human and social sciences, useful to understand the functioning of complex societies and analyze sociological phenomena in a scientifically based way
Master’s Degree in Management Engineering (LM-31)
The online master’s degree in Management Engineering aims at the training of a professionist who, with his technical and economic knowledge, with his organizational and managerial skills, is able to manage the processes and plan strategies necessary to promote the innovation of companies. The course is divided into two curricula:
- Management Engineering for Risk Management;
- Management Engineering for Digital Transformation.
Master’s Degree in International Relations for Economic Development (LM-52)
The online master’s degree programme in International Relations, offers a specific preparation to allow the analysis, interpretation and evaluation of the phenomena of internationalization of commercial relations, as well as their evolutionary dynamics in space and time, with particular reference to issues relating to the location of economics activities, the enjoyment of the fundamental economic freedoms of the Internal Market and the access to the management of European Union funding.
The following courses complete the educational offer:
Bachelor Degree in Gastronomy, Hospitality and Territories (L-GASTR)
Bachelor Degree in Sciences and Technologies of Arts, Entertainment and Cinema (L-3)
Bachelor Degree in Product and Fashion Design (L-4)
Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering (L-8)
Bachelor Degree in Managerial Engineering (L-9)
Bachelor Degree in Laguages and Markets (L-12)
Bachelor Degree in Legal Sciences (L-14)
Bachelor Degree in Sciences of Tourism (L-15)
Bachelor Degree in Business Management (L-18)
Bachelor Degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques (L-24)
Master’s Degree in Psychology of Work and Organizations (LM-51)
Master’s Degree in Management (LM-77)