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Italy starts anew: the event continues

The need for rebirth, both for companies and cities, has been highlighted by a number of entrepreneurs as well as by institutional figures from the Province of Alessandria, who have been monitoring the current emergency situation, of which they have first-hand experience, thus stressing their desire to start anew and to take concrete action in this direction.

Many people took part in the second day of the initiative L’Italia che riparte (Translator’s note: Italy starts anew), during the event Ri-Evoluzione 2020: dallo shock del Covid alla Shut-In Economy (T.n. Re-evolution 2020: from the Shock of Covid to Shut-In Economy), which was attended by companies and institutions and included first-hand accounts from the world of work, thus successfully combining public and private, education and experience.

The VEV section of our website- that is, Virtual Educational Village- hosts a number of self-produced videos, which were created by companies and obtained by For.Al students in order to complete their Project Work “No Man is an Island”- a position which we endorse. Now more than ever, we must not isolate ourselves.

(Translation by UJCE)