Strategic point of our territory, between Milan, Turin and Genoa, the plain of Marengo offers the possibility to have a university center in support of the growing trend of on-line academic courses that well respond to the Covid emergency.
“The Cultural Centre of Marengo offers degree courses such as – Gastronomy, hospitality and territories and Sciences and technologies of the arts, entertainment and cinema – hand-in-hand with the Italian excellence, to offer a permanent educational laboratory that transforms knowledge into experience”, said Simona Papé, MAF administrator, a service company for Higher Education.
“The digital skills and the skills to transform communication into a modern and effective information campaign towards the targets, can be acquired with Pegaso and Unimercatorum in Marengo”, said the accountant Barbara Pagella.
The vast retroportuale area of Genoa and Savona represents therefore an ideal environment for the entire area of the Mediterranean sea, than already in longobard epoch it was a point of encounter between the marinchi (from Liguria) and the plain that led to Pavia, Milan, Asti. The goal is to generate a cultural contamination such as to make effective the desired “dual system” between Universities and Enterprises, so that by combining intellectual skills and human resources, companies then find those generational forces fundamental to grow.